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- Cigna Fee Schedule

Cigna Fee Schedule
Cigna Fee Schedule
We expect all accredited Cigna providers to abide by The Cigna Fee Schedule, the schedule contains fair and reasonable maximum fees for Surgery and Anaesthesia, as well as guideline fees for Initial and Follow up consultations. These fees are based on complexity, average duration of the procedure, information from our claims experience, the CCSD schedule and benchmarked against other fee schedules in the public domain in the United Kingdom. Please use the search function to calculate your fees.
Due to evolving medical practice, The Cigna Fee Schedule is reviewed periodically and therefore, complexities and/or fee values of procedures may change, maximum procedure fee reimbursement could go up or down.
Before treating a Cigna member
All practitioners should advise Cigna costs of any treatment (including consultations) being provided. If fees exceed the Cigna Fee Schedule, practitioners should advise the member prior to treatment taking place and Cigna reserves the right to shortfall the balance.
Consultation fees and surgery/anaesthetist fees represent a significant element of total claims costs in private medical insurance and subsequently, have a major effect on premiums. For premiums to remain affordable, practitioners, private facilities and health insurers need to work together to provide quality private healthcare at a reasonable and affordable price.
Guideline fees for Consultations
Initial Consultation – face to face - £205
Follow-up Consultation – face to face - £145
Initial Consultation – remote - £205 (where clinically appropriate)
Follow-up Consultation – remote - £145 (where clinically appropriate)
Extended Physician Consultation - £250 (over 40 mins)
Other important information
For further information on Consultations and all other information on how accredited practitioners should interact with Cigna, in relation to services that may not be eligible for reimbursement, please read our Terms and Conditions section here.
CCSD schedule
Cigna is a member of The Clinical Coding and Schedule Development (CCSD) group. The CCSD schedule contains industry standard codes for surgical procedures and diagnostic tests in UK private healthcare. Their key initiative is to develop a common set of codes and descriptions across the UK private healthcare sector.
The CCSD schedule is reviewed regularly and reflects current medical practice. At each review, new codes are added, existing codes updated and some codes deleted. Please go to ccsd.org.uk to view the schedule and to learn more about the objectives of CCSD.
Search the Fee Schedule
Search the Fee Schedule by entering a code or keyword.
Medical Practitioner Terms & Conditions
Read important information about our fees including certain procedures, unlisted, bilateral and multiple procedures, anaesthesia and sedation, standby fees and the use of second specialists.