Around 3 million people in the UK have osteoporosis.
One in two women and one in five men in the UK will suffer a fracture after the age of 50 - mainly because of osteoporosis.
The lifetime risk of fracture in women at the age of 50 years is greater than the risk of breast cancer or cardiovascular disease.
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Osteoporosis, literally meaning 'porous bones', is a condition in which the bones lose substance, gradually becoming weak and fragile and more likely to break. Whilst some loss of bone substance occurs naturally with ageing in all individuals, this loss reaches significant proportions with osteoporosis - and if not treated can progress painlessly until a bone breaks.
Although most commonly a condition of older age, anybody can be affected by osteoporosis. Fractures of the spine, hip and wrist are most typical and the cause of most concern.
In terms of symptoms, the thinning of the bones in itself does not have a great deal of effect. However, it does lead to an increased risk of easily broken bones and in fact the bones of the spine can collapse without any obvious cause. In general terms, all bones are more at risk in people with osteoporosis and falls as well as coughs and sneezes can lead to fractures.
There are two types of cells that are constantly at work in our bones, ones that build up new bone and others which break down old bone. Old bone is reabsorbed and new bone laid down all the time, resulting in about 10% of the bone in our bodies being replaced every year. However, when more bone is reabsorbed than is laid down thinning of the bones (loss of bone mass) occurs.
The substance of the bones (bone mass) builds up to a peak at about 30 years of age as the construction cells work harder building strength into our skeleton. After that the demolition cells take over and we gradually lose bone mass by about 1% each year. Whilst this is a natural part of aging, in some cases this loss reaches such significant proportions that osteoporosis develops. The first sign is commonly when a minor bump or fall causes a bone fracture.
As previously mentioned, osteoporosis occurs mostly in women over the age of 50. This is because bone loss speeds up after the menopause. In women the risk is increased if they have early menopause, have their ovaries removed before menopause, have abnormal menstrual periods, or if over-exercising or dieting. For men, low levels of testosterone increase the risk.
Other factors which are associated with osteoporosis include:
There are also times when osteoporosis occurs in both older and younger people where no specific cause is identified.
Osteoporosis can affect people in a number of ways:
Due to the nature of the condition it is difficult to diagnose as you can't see or feel your bones getting thinner. As such, people are often unaware of any problems until they break a bone or start to lose height.
If you think that you are at risk then you should talk to your GP. You may then be sent for a specialist assessment.
As well as an examination and blood checks there are tests which can give you a more definite bone density assessment.
The most common test used to measure bone density is called a DEXA (dual energy x-ray absorptiometry) scan. It is a painless procedure, involving a low dose of x-rays which measures how dense bones are. The specialist will then be able to tell you whether you have, or are at risk from, osteoporosis. There is a variety of treatment options if osteoporosis is diagnosed.
It is worth noting that even if the condition is diagnosed on a bone scan this does not always mean that you are at a high risk of breaking a bone at that time.
Once the diagnosis of osteoporosis has been made, there are various forms of treatment that can help with the condition. Treatment will depend on the extent of bone loss, the individual's age, and whether or not fractures have occurred. Generally treatment is aimed at preventing further bone loss and replacing lost bone, if possible.
In order to lower the risk of further bone loss and fractures the following treatments may be recommended:
Other, drug-free, ways to manage pain include physiotherapy and hydrotherapy (exercise in water) or using a TENS (transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation) machine. Alternative therapies, like acupuncture, homeopathy, the Alexander Technique and aromatherapy, can also be of some benefit.
Whilst on treatment it is likely that you will require follow-up tests of bone density to monitor progress.
As with many medical conditions prevention, where possible, is far better than management. Two of the most important preventive measures that should be taken are regular exercise and adequate intake of calcium.
Like muscles, bones stay stronger the more they are used, so exercise is very important. The best form of exercise is regular, moderate, weight-bearing exercise such as walking as this helps to both maintain and increase bone mass.
The bones in our body act as a storehouse for calcium. This calcium is essential for a number of bodily functions, including the process that maintains the hardness of bone. The bones use calcium and they also store reserves for when the body does not receive an adequate amount of dietary calcium or when the body needs additional calcium, as with pregnancy and breastfeeding.
Some other measures that you can take to help prevent osteoporosis:
If you have any concerns please do not hesitate in contacting your GP. There are also various other sources that you can refer to or contact for further help and information.